Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Blonde with Blue Streaks

We trapped this 1.5 year old black bear that had been raiding dumpsters and garbage cans and didn't show any fear of humans. We caught him, painted him blue, hauled him to a new spot really far from any people, and let him go. We marked him with a temporary paint so could recognize him if he returns to civilization and starts causing problems again. It is too bad when young bears learn bad habits. I hope we don't ever see him again, but it was fun to get a peak up close. He is a real neat looking bear with pretty, almost blonde fur.


Accuracy Sports said...

The blue paint is a great color for a nuisance bear. I bet he moves on to Provo real soon.

Tiffany said...

Okay...dumb question probably but will the blue hairs eventually fall off kind of like human hair? Tiff

Tristie hearts Dax said...

love your playlist. but it needs a tune by Thurl Bailey or something. love you.

kkoyle said...

Reminds me of a blonde raccoon I trapped back in Virginia. It was almost as blonde as me, with the tradition dark rings and such. Weird how many variations there can be within one species. It looks like your job is treating you well, best of luck with everything.
